Serge Paugam

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Date of birth : March 9th 1960 in Lesneven (29) - France


Occupational Address :
Centre Maurice Halbwachs
48 boulevard Jourdan
75014 PARIS

e-mail :

PhD in Sociology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, june 1988.
Thesis on the direction of Dominique Schnapper. Subject : La disqualification sociale. Statuts, identités et rapports sociaux des populations en situation de précarité économique et sociale.

Distinctions :
"Médaille de bronze" of the CNRS, 1991.
"Médaille d'argent" of the CNRS, 2009.
Research Prize 2013 "Social Bond and Social Networks", Institute of France/Fondation pour le lien social-Croix-Rouge

Research Topics
Sociology of Inequalities and Social Disruptions
Social Forms of Poverty
Process of Social Disqualification
Employment Precarity and Unemployment in Europe
Welfare Regimes in a comparative perspective

Books [+]

Articles in academic reviews [+]



Contributions in collective books [+]

Introduction of classical sociological books [+]

Contributions in sociological dictionaries [+]


Research reports [+]

Published communications in national or international conferences [+]


Other articles [+]

Main communications in scientific and international conferences [+]

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